Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Website Programming that Hurts

I sent an email to one of the websites that "force feed" computers, so that they go to their site instead of where people want them to go. Read the following, and you'll see I gave them an ear-full:

Message to:

When ever you download files into someones computer without their consent, they feel as though they have no control over what's happening.

You think your attracting more customers, but all your doing is scaring people into NOT using the internet at all. You lose when you gamble with peoples personal preferences. More people leave and you make no money.

In the end, every business on the Net goes broke, and you accomplish NOTHING. Why don't you try general advertising? I program websites for for people to use when they choose, not using re-directs and force feeding webpages.

In the end you'll gain nothing but angry people, that file class action suits. Lawyers love it when a group of people get together for a common cause. What will the "payout" be then?

get more active...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent. personally if i had the skills i might prefer hacking the site and others like it to bring it down; but your approach is more spiritual. keep up the good work, yours truly frank

6:27 AM  

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